Connecticut Maxillofacial Surgeons, llc

CTMAX Doctors Listed in Hartford Magazine’s List of “Top Dentists”

CTMAX partners were again sited in the November issue of Hartford Magazine’s 2010 list of “Top Dentists”. The doctors of CTMAX have yet to be missed in this honorary listing since the selection process began many years ago.
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Jack of All Trades, Master of None

Is it just because I am a specialist and have chosen to focus my attention on a single area of expertise that disgruntles me about a “jack of all trades” or is it that as a specialist, I am the melting pot for the screw-ups of all the local “wannabe” oral and maxillofacial surgeons out there? As the failing economy continues to turn itself downward and bleeds the population of discretionary funds healthcare is not immune from taking its own hit. Many patients who once were enthusiastic about improving their health with one procedure or another may now consider such treatment to be unnecessary or simply “elective.” A natural albeit unfortunate outcome in many cases is the general practitioner who suddenly feels the need to take a bigger bite of the pie than he can swallow. Nowhere in the healthcare professions is this seen more prevalently than in the field of dentistry.
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Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons vs. Periodontists

A patient is often conflicted by where they should seek implant dental care. While their dentist may have referred them to an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, they may have a periodontist that they have been seeing for minor gum surgery that has volunteered to take on this task.
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CTMAX Educational Videos

If you happen to be having your “wisdom teeth” out this summer and want to see how this surgery is done, go directly to our educational media section on “wisdom teeth and tooth extraction,” for a short video on that procedure.


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“Wisdom Tooth” Season 2010

As we move into the later summer months of July and August, preparation for the school year begins in earnest. Personal “to do’s” that have been sitting on the back burner such as needing one’s “wisdom teeth” out, all of a sudden surface with little time left.
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Dental Implants… Not Rocket Science

More than just a few of our hard earned tax dollars have been spent lately in the midst of a recession on attempting to make something out of nothing. While I can’t say this is anything new, one is compelled to bring reality into focus when looking over the taxpayer funded marketing used recently by the University to manufacture a “Dental Implant Center” out of thin air in an effort to profit a small self-aggrandized team of providers.
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CTMAX Launches a New Web Presence

Connecticut Maxillofacial Surgeons, llc announces the reconstruction of their web presence with the launch of a new public web site.
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CTMAX Staff Member Retires

Kay Higgins, one of our longstanding employees will hang up the lab coat and gloves for a life at home with the kids.
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Our Locations: Farmington  /   Simsbury  /   Wethersfied  /   Windsor  /   Torrington
Connecticut Maxillofacial Surgeons, llc
© 2025 - CTMAX